Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Ain't Lying... I'm Prophesying!

"I Ain't Lying... I'm Prophesying!"

I want to make one thing perfectly clear.


I think that as a collective consciousness, the race of Man has been so conditioned to living backwards that we don't even know which way is which. I was talking to a client the other day and I told him to start making statement toward his life. Scripture says that 'Life and death is in the power of the tongue.' It was very difficult for him to wrap his mind around the idea of Affirmations and speaking LIFE into a situation.

People who are absorbed into this backward living modality (by the way, LIVE spelled backward is EVIL... just a thought) often think that their experience is their reality. I come not to abolish that idea but to fulfill it. Your experiences in life is A reality... Catch it. A reality... An experience, a happening, an occurrence.

Your only real reality is what goes on in your own consciousness. That is your truth! Once you fully understand this LAW OF THINKING, you will see that your reality is all in your mind. The experiences in your life are by-products of your state of consciousness.

So here is a simple and easy to use progression of thought:

"You are the Thinker, that thinks the Thoughts, that create the Thing."

Whatever your thing is...Good or bad (which are judgements) you are the Thinker of those thoughts.

If you work only with this viewpoint, you actually begin to think better, higher, more sane thoughts. You begin to see that to think anything less would begin to bring into your experience that which you do not want or desire.

If something seems difficult, why not think it easy? Really, why not?

If your bank account is low and it seems that you are broke, why not think "I AM RICH"? I mean, why not?

You can THINK anyway you want to think. Your thoughts are your own. Why waste mental and spiritual energy on thinking the worst thoughts? It is a gross perversion of Who You Really Are.

I say start today THINKING BIG!

Then start speaking on it. When you start SPEAKING BIG, now that is where the rubber meets the road. Cause then, you ain't lying... You're prophesying.

Peace and Blessings

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle

Consult the Oracle - Change Your Life
Book a session today!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Now That's The Stuff"

“Now That’s The Stuff”
Understanding the Power of Faith in Your Everyday Life

It has become increasingly clear to me that “all things work together for the good of those who love…” And even as I go through life, Spirit is making it more clear to me that in order to raise the bar in our lives we must truly utilize our greatest tool for manifestation…. FAITH!

My daily meditations allow me to center myself on the Presence of God and KNOW that all is well.

Remember the text informs us that “Now faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1)

Faith is the basic, core element or building block for all creation on the material plane. As we have and hold a desire, we start the cosmic engine of creation moving. Not this engine can remain idle or it can be revved up.


The desires or repulsive thoughts we hold in consciousness are accelerated by our faith. Energy, thought at its basic level is neutral. It is neither positive or negative. So when we think a thought, our faith in the real-ness of that thing cranks it, revs it up and accelerates it towards us as our reality.

Faith is not just belief, it is not wishful thinking. Faith is actually the essential, ethereal component of all creation. It is only by faith that anyone was able to accomplish anything, anywhere.




It’s all connected.

So know this… faith is the key to activating the spiritual machinery of manifestation. If you want an increased lifestyle, total health, more money, a lover, better family ties, etc. Jesus said it best, “YOUR FAITH MAKES YOU WELL.”

So don’t only run after and work hard for THINGS… The more you desire, the more you activate your faith, the more STUFF you can create.


Peace and Blessings,

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Consult the Oracle – Change Your Life