A New Thought: Something Must Change
It is irresponsible, at best, for a group as intelligent and seemingly capable as Mankind to sit, hope, wait and pray for the Will of God to be visited upon the Earth.
Unless there is a vast alteration in the Consciousness of Man, as we go stumbling along the life-line, many will not be able to pull themselves up to a state of Happiness and Freedom. For many it is very difficult indeed.
I say, "Something must change."
Today, as a culture, we are sitting on the edge of oblivion waiting for our own demise from violence, disease, poverty or old age to hopefully take us away from all this.
I do not have to tell you what is wrong with this level of thinking. I don't really have to mention the palpable nature of telling each other fantastic stories of some "out-there force" that will one day save mankind from its own free-will self-destruction. You can look around for yourself and see the need for a NEW THOUGHT in the annuals of mankind's understanding of his own ability.
To pretend that we are not in need of a NEW IDEA about truth, life and God is flammable at best. To operate on such antiquated notions is like arguing the existence of the Tooth Fairy or Frosty the Snowman and not expecting sane, rational adults to not challenge the idea.
I say, "Something must change."
We have existed in the mis-conception that we are separate and alone for far too long. We have relegated ourselves to this place of lowliness and mud for centuries and to what benefit? Where has this error-thinking gotten us as Beings?
Sure we have technology that allows us to handle time and space. We have medico practices that can mend a broken leg or reconstruct an ugly face. But we have done little to rehabilitate the ability of the Being. We have not advanced to the degree where man is no longer subject to the ravages of sickness and disease. Our technology has not been able to grant happiness and love. All the machines on this planet cannot feed one starving child. So what have we been doing all this time? It's time for a NEW ERA.
Focusing on the mundane, superficial needs of the minority has proven to be ineffective in handling the needs of mankind as a whole. This attention to the physical has brought us to a place where the physical is the major concern of most people. What not to wear! So you think you can dance? American idols and the like get much of our attention while advances in Spiritual and Philosophical circles are suppressed or written off as cultism at best. (Well, at least that's some attention.)
I still say, "Something must change."
Unless we get our heads out of the clouds (literally) and start handling the decline in man's own consciousness, we will see an Armageddon indeed.
Unless you, yourself, get the Teaching, understanding that You can rehabilitate your natural and innate abilities and that you can help, we may have to hang our heads and say, "Another one bites the dust."
Unless a large and effective effort is made to RAISE MAN'S CONSCIOUSNESS and stop his decline, our society will not have seen its worst days yet. Certainly with its bombs, racism, inequality and inhumanity, the race-consciousness is trying hard to keep suppressing Spiritual Advances.
I say, "Something must change."
We have gone far enough in SEPARATION ANXIETY with this "out-there" idea.
We have been re-minded many times and in many ways about our own Oneness, Responsibility and Power. John the Baptist encouraged us to "Repent for the Kingdom of God is nigh." Change your thinking for the Dominion of God is in You.
We now have a way of doing this... Changing our thinking, that is. We now have a workable solution to the degeneration of man's consciousness. It is time we REALIZED it and USED it, each one of us.
Thousands of philosophers cannot have gotten it totally wrong. They have offered multiple ways to salvage the individuals own Mastery and thus save mankind. The one commonality in all of their work and words was the hope and assurance that WE CAN WIN. Somehow, some way, at some point Mankind will RE-TURN to its original state of Mastery.
Some modalities suggest you have to wait until you "kick-the-bucket" to get there. I say, that is too late.
I say, "Something must change."
So let the ignorant laugh; the ignorant always do.
Let the holier-than-thou scoff and dismiss, it's their M.O.
I say we have a workable Spirituality that can change YOU and this planet for the better. So let's work it.
As each of us move towards higher states of Consciousness, we can create enough Spiritual Force to collectively make things go right. This is what Master Jesus meant when he said, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." This is the Second Coming of the Christ to mankind... when you step forth as it.
So our work is definitely that... Work.
But we have a map. We have a group. We have the where-with-all. We have each other.
Now we must not stop. We must use our efforts and re-sources to work toward a common goal.
We must prevail.
Something must change.
So BE the change.
And we, as Awakenists are choosing to BE just that...
The Change.
Rev. Quenton J. Stroud
The Master Oracle & Associate Pastor
Insight Into You
Awakening Light International Church