Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Divine Feminine - Your Goddess Body

Peace Within,

This is a message reaching out to the wonderful Divine Feminine creatures.

I have been working with this amazing sister, Cherae Mabry, The Holistic Goddess!

She has launched her new online Yoga and healing studio - The Goddess Body Studio.

Her work with women is nothing short of amazing! 

I encourage all women who have ever consulted with The Oracle to invest the $37 to enroll in her 6-month program 
to revealing your Goddess Body!

After you enroll, email me and I will give you a special gift of a 30-min Life Repair Oracle session, absolutely F.R.E.E.!!

Your discounted enrollment plus your for Oracle session is worth $140. All this for $37 bucks!

Let me know if you are ready to reveal the Goddess Within. 


Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle/Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call Me!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DAY 3 - "Seven Days to Creating a New Life" - Rev. Q! Spiritual Life Coach

Peace Within, 

When was the last time you actually visit the Youtube channel of videos.

This most recent teaching has been posted on there.

I hope it motivates your today!

Please comment and give me your feedback!

I appreciate ALL that you are.

Reverend Q!
The Master's Coach
240-317-9808 - Call Me!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Peace Within,

I am so sorry if you missed the Awakenist Life Lecture called, 

It was an amazing time. We had a lot of fun and learned so much!

I taught on the secret principle that many people fail to ever really step into 
and therefore remain unhappy and underappreciated in this world of phenomena. 

Please click the link and download the teaching so that you can KNOW 
for yourself how you can achieve all the happiness and success that you 
really deserve!

Click Here! (Turn the volume up!)

Blessed Be!

Reverend Quenton J. Stroud
240-317-9808 - Call Me!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Secrets We Keep... (Testimonials)

Peace Within, 

It came to me in a dream that all too often the secrets that we keep are the very things that hold us back in life. 

What I have noticed about an doing Oracle Sessions with you is we are going in and going back to address some old wounds, old incidents that few people really know about. We are unlocking some of those secrets that have been holding some people back 10-20-30 years and it is now time to let them go!

Listen, EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! The secrets, the feelings, the baggage, the unforgiveness, all of this is dangerous and corrosive energy and does nothing to serve you. By having a Oracle Session you are really opening yourself to the 
necessary channels to release this negative energy and start you on a new path of Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness and Self-Mastery!

There are many testimonials that state things like this:

"Wow! I came into the reading focused on one area of my life and Reverend Q was able to see the underlying issues of my pain and stress. He did not hold back or sugar coat my TRUTH. For that I am eternally grateful." - Day

"I enjoyed speaking with you! My sense of you is that you are genuine and gifted. Many gifted spiritual people become drunk on their gifts and influence. I feel you are doing God's work! I sensed no ego in our conversation. You are a clear, uncluttered conduit for the Spirit. Having the time to focus on what's important in our lives in conversation with you, is more refreshing than a day at the Spa!" - Heather

My first encounter with The Oracle was very insightful and moving. There were several moments when I was crying, or trying to not cry so I could soak up all of this wonderefully revaltory experience. This is not for those who want to cling to tradition! One session will expand your vision of God, yourself, and your place in this life! - Healingwaters

So if you sense that there are some blocks in your life, keeping you from the future you really want, then book an Oracle Session.

Let's start you on the right road to your life, love and happiness! YOU DESERVE IT! Don't You?

I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Blessed Be!

Reverend Q!
Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call me anytime!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Technical Difficulties - Call at 8pm

Peace Within,

Due to technical difficulties with Justin.Tv we are going to have to do a live CALL!

Conference Dial-in Number: (209) 647-1000
Participant Access Code: 575686#

8pm EST
Call in early!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Spiritual Life Coach 

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach


Tune in @ 8pm EST

Insight Into You Presents:

The Oracle Speaks (Live Broadcast TV)

If you believe in Magick and wish to expand your understanding...

If you are a Skeptic and you do not really get what's the big deal anyway...

Either way... Watch and Know!

See you soon!
8pm EST

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call Me for a Power Session!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

I Will See You on the Air! - Live Broadcast!

Peace Within,

I am really excited about this new Live Broadcast Video Studio 
for Insight Into You. The show is called "The Oracle Speaks"
It is will be feature Ancient Wisdom teachings coupled with New Thought 
understanding to create a true synergy of Spiritual Empowerment and 
Solutions to Life's Challenges!

Date: TONIGHT! (Thursday 6/16)
Time: 8pm EST
Topic: "Magick For Everyone: An Introduction to Discovering the Magick Within"

Because this is the first ever Live Video Broadcast that I have done, I desire 
that you tune in and support this wonderful work to humanity. So set your 
clocks for 8pm EST!

Lastly, tell someone about this station, the website and the mission of 
The Master Oracle - To aid humanity in the journey toward Self-Discovery, 
Self-Awareness and Self-Mastery!

*** I do all this for YOU! You should know that! ***

I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it! (Do you feel it? Really, do you?)

Blessed Be!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call me for a Session!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Peace Within,

It was brought to my attention that the form on the REGISTRATION page was not working properly.

A lot of people said they couldn't get through.

Let me know that it works!

Rev. Q!

PS. I wish that everyone who has every gotten any value from me and my work to tap into this!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Have a Great Idea!

Peace Within,

"I am so excited... I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!"

Have you ever said this?

At some time in all of our lives we feel that we have 
been Divinely Inspired with a brilliant idea, a stroke 
of Genius!

I think this is great... and yet most people feel this 
excitement and splendor and then do nothing with it.
You must understand that you are a CHANNEL for 
SOURCE to express more of Itself on this plane of 

The truth of the matter is that this SOURCE really is 
YOU resting and waiting to be tagged-in and activated 
into your life. It is the MOST HIGH of Who You Really Are.

That is why many of you recognize yourselves as "Children of 
the Most High." Most people are the "child-like state of the 
Most High". But there comes a time when we must put away 
childish things and GROW UP into our highest Truth. 

"Beloved, NOW we are the sons of God." Grow up and be-come 
the BIGGER VERSION of yourself. Be-come the Highest Aspect 
of YOU. Be-Come the grandest expression of Who You Really Are.

Do not let your ideas die within you. Do not have a spiritual miscarriage.


This is message is delivered with ALL THE LOVE I can muster within me.

Blessed Be!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
240-317-9808 - Call Me for a Spiritual Reading!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Sunday, June 5, 2011

When You Get It...

"When the Law'd is your shepherd, you shall not WANT (for anything)!"

This Divine Law is always available to reintegrate you back to everything in your MIND and HEART. So be mind-ful of everything you think and feel. They truly create your reality. (Selāh)

A Message from Spirit Channeled through The Master Oracle