Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Shekinah Shift: A Glorious Revelation

The Shekinah Shift: A Glorious Revelation

Saturday event is open to the public!

Sunday Service is followed by


The Magick Power of Belief

The Magick Power of Belief

Working with the Magick Power of Belief (One of the Foremost Teachings on Mind Science) you will be able to Imagine, Visualize and Concentrate on that outcome of your Mind! 

 The Magick Power of Belief

You will learn the power of Auto-suggestion!
You will master the Art of Doing
You will understand not only how to Manifest but also SUSTAIN your desires.

I will recommend this teaching until the day I die! This has been called the "catch-all teaching of Spiritual Truth!" It encompasses all that you need to change your Mind about WHO YOU REALLY ARE in this whole equation we call Life!

Download this teaching and start listening IMMEDIATELY!

Every Truth Student needs to know the information contained in this divinely inspired message!

 The Magick Power of Belief

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!

Also... go to our website: 

Reverend Q! Founder/Spiritual Director
The EnLightenment Assembly Spiritual Center