After many years of studying religions, practicing religious rites of countless faiths and learning of the plethora of "spiritual hosts" that we venerate or demonize, I have come to the conclusion that OUR IMAGINARY FRIENDS AND ENEMIES need to be curtailed. Honestly!
If you look over the masses of world religions and religious people you might find a common theme that runs throughout them. Many have this belief that some entities, angels, demons or aliens are "out there" somewhere and they are constantly meddling in man's affairs. There is an idea that there are myriads of angels and legions of demons all fighting for the control of humanity and that we are caught in this spiritual cross-fire.
Many people might argue that so many people cannot possibly be wrong. There are countless religions that believe in creatures that exist "out there" and that by sheer majority they must be right.
Listen, whether you believe in angels or demons - gods or devils ultimately you must admit that we are all working with a few considerations that we must addressed:
- Humanity seems to be the object of their attention. - Why?
- Our mind seems to be the battleground in which they seek to occupy - Why?
- There are so many different "forms" of entities that we are dealing with - Where did they all come from?
- How can we gain mastery over these seemingly POWERFUL creatures if we are so susceptible to their influence?
In Metaphysics - "Meta" meaning beyond, "Physics" meaning the physical or literal - we have come to understand and master this multi-faceted phenomena of supernatural entities. After examining a number of subjects, one can conclude, or assume, that EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET has a demon. We look at people lives, habits, beliefs, relationships, history, families, etc. You can apparently find that every person is being attacked by somebodies demons.
This almost obsessive belief in devils and demons has led man to not take responsibility for his own action and definitely not advance to his highest potential. As long as we fall back on the idea that - "the devil made me do it" - we will be forever condemned to a life of mediocrity and struggle.
This gives us the impression that we are fighting 'rulers of the darkness of this world.' But if we continue study the scriptures metaphysically we recognize that this warning was not talking about us fighting demonic entities from the netherworld, but really dealing with those THOUGHTS and UNHEALTHY IDEAS that we hold in our own consciousness.
In 1 Cor. 10:4, 5 Paul writes: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are made mighty through God for pulling down strongholds casting down imaginations (thoughts) and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
Paul prefaces his message to the Ephesians with the metaphysical understanding to the believers in Corinth. He lets them know that these principalities and rulers in high places are IMAGINATIONS or THOUGHTS that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
In fact, the chief "devil" of Buddhism is Mara. Buddha has an experience with this "entity" and this is what the ultimate outcome of his encounter: "Having made my thoughts subject to me (the Buddha) and my attention firm, I shall wander about from kingdom to kingdom training disciples. They will be zealous and energetic, obedient to the discipline of one free from lust, and they will go to the place where there is no mourning.
"And Mara said: 'For seven years I followed Bhagavat (Buddha), step by step, but found no fault in the Perfectly Enlightened and Thoughtful One.'"So it is very clear that our ideas and imaginations of demons and devils are not something that is insurmountable but rather something we should seek to master within our own minds.
Demons (Metaphysically) - Unhealthy DEMONstrations of untrue ideas held in consciousness." We must take these ideas captive and make them obedient to the truth of Who You Really Are.
Devil (Metaphysically) - The Divine In You that has become ill from these unhealthy, untrue ideas." The concept of a devil really rests on the idea of selfishness, self-gratification, being self-absorbed, fear and an unwillingness to operate in harmony with truth principles.
Angels (Metaphysically) - Messages or Messengers of divine ideas that will always seek to calm you, center you, protect you and deliver you from any harm."
God (Metaphysically) - The Most High aspect of Who You Really Are. God is the Unseen but always Present aspect of your own consciousness. The Throne of God is at the center of consciousness. It is always knowing the Truth and only moves in truth.
So as you start to understand the nature of good and evil (God and Devil) within your own consciousness you begin to become more responsible and more aware, because you know that there is nothing outside of you MAKING you do anything.
The I AM that I AM HAS JUST EXORCIZED YOUR DEMONS - Now go and sin no more!
Reverend Quenton J. Stroud
Spiritual Director
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