Saturday, January 11, 2014

Die Hard Religion - Pentecostal Snake Handlers

Die Hard Religion - Pentecostal Snake Handlers

This is an amazing expression of one's faith. Biblical literalist have so many examples of things they can do to "prove their faith" before God and man. I am glad that I use other means of Power and Life to show the anointing as it rests on us.

"The Anointing" has been categorized as a "feeling of the Holy Spirit of God being upon you." I know that their is such a phenomena that people feel the unction of the Spirit. The music is blasting. The people are dancing and speaking in unknown tongues. There is an energy and excitement that covers that crowd. So you get up out of your seat and go pick up a poisonous Rattle Snake.

This is how the Pentecostals profess the anointing and a firm belief in Jesus. According to the words of Jesus (in red) at Mark 16:17, 18 - "These signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak in new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."

This is quite a display. It is misunderstood by many, feared by most.
I wonder... do you believe in Jesus? To what end? 
Scripture says, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me." Do you think that Christ would want you to literally "tread amongst serpents and scorpions?" Do you think that Jesus would want you to pick up deadly, poisonous snakes and drink strychnine to prove your faith?

Many people do believe this is a literal statement of Jesus and not a parable or a metaphysical message to those with faith and power. Believers can be easily caught up into all kinds of displays if they are not careful.

I advise you to make sure you have a HEAD-HEART alignment when you are making decisions with your life. You are more "available to God" alive and not dead. Be careful with whom you fellowship and know that you don't have to "prove" your faith. You have to live it with power and glory in your life and the community. If your belief is so big, heal the sick, cast out unclean spirits (demonstrations of negative ideas held in consciousness) and feed God's children.

This is the Will of the Lord, not vain and empty displays of power. Jesus said, "you shall know a tree by the fruit that it bears." So go forth and bear much fruit  as you operate from your higher level of Christ Consciousness.

I love you... and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Reverend Quenton J. Stroud,
Founder/Spiritual Director

The Enlightenment Assembly Spiritual Centers

Follow us on Facebook - Click Here!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Black Jesus, The Face of God and You!

There has been much debate over whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was white, black or beige. Frankly, I could care less. However, I do understand the importance of such a conversation.

If you look at most world cultures, their gods often reflect the "predominant" aesthetic of the people. God is Love, Beauty, Intelligence, Grace and Power - it only makes sense that these qualities are exemplified in the "people of God" as well.

The Great Mother
The reason why I work with a BLACK JESUS is because I am a Black Man. So my God needs to reflect ALL THAT I AM as I strive to reflect all that God IS. You see whether Jesus was black, white or beige, the truth remains that it means something to Us to see ourselves reflected in his image and likeness.

The Native Americans have The Great Earth Mother
She resembles her people.

The Buddhists of Asia and India have their representations of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. He resembles his people.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

 This only makes sense. The more you resemble your idea of God. The closer relationship you can have with him/her.

Culture, art and imagery is very important.

The African Yoruba religion has it pantheon of Gods and Goddesses (Orishas) and they look like their people!

Look here at a picture of Olorun - Creator of the Universe!
Olorun, Creator God (Yoruba)
These representations are just that... representations of an ineffable and indescribable abstract we call GOD. Each of them serve as Archetypes to help us get a better understanding of God and how we can relate to it in our daily spiritual walk. 

Wherever you come from and whatever religion you ascribe to, make sure you have a clear "picture" (idea) of God that resembles you and you resemble It. This is very important to your spirituality. 

At The Enlightenment Assembly Spiritual Centers, we teach that - "ye are gods. And you are all children of the Most High!" (Psalms 82:6). Since this is true, shouldn't you look like your Father in Heaven.

Scripture says, "For now we see through a glassdarklybut then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Corinthians 13:12) This means that when you look in the mirror, you are see God "face to face." You are a perfect manifestation of the Most High, Source Energy we call God. 

Jesus the Christ (Black American)
This is why I choose to work with an imagery of a Black Jesus, not to worship or bow down to an idol but to get a better conception of CHRIST IN ME, THE HOPE OF GLORY. (Colossians 1:27)

I hope you get it!

Reverend Quenton J. Stroud,
Founder/Spiritual Director -

The Enlightenment Assembly Spiritual Center

Follow Us on Facebook!

The Teachers (Prophetic and Cosmic Lessons for 2014) - Rev. Israel Esters

The Teachers (Prophetic and Cosmic Lessons for 2014)

Dr. James Alston, Rev. Quenton Stroud, Prophet Issachar Bey and Rev. Israel M. Esters!

We can definitely call this A SUPER EVENT! 

Join Awakening Light International's Rev. Israel M. Esters has brings to you for two hour 3 of the most powerful, and prophetic teachers to you for a TRUE WORD about your 2014. 

The Masters will teach for 25 minutes each, sharing with you the gems and jewels of the spiritual, cosmic and natural worlds and what we can expect to be in 2014. 

Each of these powerful teachers are gifted by the universe and have an uncanny and very accurate view into the "future of things" and can share with you exactly what you need to do in order to create a marvelous year for yourself. 

You don't want to miss this event. 

Click here for more information.

Please tell all your SPIRITUAL FRIENDS!

Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Goddess Can Save the Race

The Power of the Divine Feminine to Heal

In talking to a dear friend about a domestic quarrel that happened in front of her daughter, where the brother was cursing out his child's mother right in front of her. She said, "Its my job to protect her from any harm..." and I responded:

"Its actually not your job, as a mother, to "protect" her from harm.... ITS HIS, as her Father! Your job is to nurture her, train her and educate her in the ways of being the kind of woman that would never allow a man to treat her in such an unloving and non-compassionate way. 

The problem is that broken-down and beaten-down, slave-mentality men have lost their ROLE in society as LEADERS, PROTECTORS and PROGENITORS of our children. So their aggression and frustration turn IN-WARD on themselves and their families. Leaving the feminine energy with the MIS-TAKEN idea that they are to PROTECT and PROVIDE for the family.  Thus we have dysfunctional relationships/families and broken homes. All because we have BROKEN MEN. 
The trick is... only the feminine-energy can SAVE our men. 
Only our women and mothers can HEAL them. Only the NURTURING SPIRIT can absolve them and gently steer them back into alignment with their own MAN-HOOD. Stay in your lane, mother, sistah, wife, friend. LOVE that man back into alignment. HEAL his fears and quell his frustrations. You are his only SALVATION. 

This is why some men run from women-to-women. Not because he is a WOMANIZER. Its because he is HURTING and internally, innately, he knows that only the feminine energy can SAVE HIM on a cosmic, balancing level. The Goddess in you can save the race of men.

But who will HEAL our sisters??? (next article)

~Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle

The Enlightenment Assembly Spiritual Center