The Power of the Divine Feminine to Heal
"Its actually not your job, as a mother, to "protect" her from harm.... ITS HIS, as her Father! Your job is to nurture her, train her and educate her in the ways of being the kind of woman that would never allow a man to treat her in such an unloving and non-compassionate way.
The problem is that broken-down and beaten-down, slave-mentality men have lost their ROLE in society as LEADERS, PROTECTORS and PROGENITORS of our children. So their aggression and frustration turn IN-WARD on themselves and their families. Leaving the feminine energy with the MIS-TAKEN idea that they are to PROTECT and PROVIDE for the family. Thus we have dysfunctional relationships/families and broken homes. All because we have BROKEN MEN.
The trick is... only the feminine-energy can SAVE our men.Only our women and mothers can HEAL them. Only the NURTURING SPIRIT can absolve them and gently steer them back into alignment with their own MAN-HOOD. Stay in your lane, mother, sistah, wife, friend. LOVE that man back into alignment. HEAL his fears and quell his frustrations. You are his only SALVATION.
This is why some men run from women-to-women. Not because he is a WOMANIZER. Its because he is HURTING and internally, innately, he knows that only the feminine energy can SAVE HIM on a cosmic, balancing level. The Goddess in you can save the race of men.
But who will HEAL our sisters??? (next article)
~Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
The Enlightenment Assembly Spiritual Center
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