Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Psychic Diet Freedom Plan

"The Psychic Diet Freedom Plan"

I love my body. I think it is sexy and attractive to all onlookers. I go to the gym five days a week and work to get myself in a better place. I am very certain that whatever my body-goals are, if I work at it enough, I will be a lot happier with my body, health and lifestyle overall.

Now... Let's look at this from a Psychic level.

I love my Mind (Psyche). I think it is Powerful and Attractive to all the things I put my attention on. I read books from the Bible to the Metu Neter seven days a week. I expand my thinking to the outer reaches of the Universe to get myself in an Ascended State of Consciousness. I am certain that whatever my mind conceives, it achieves and if I work it enough, I will be a lot happier with the results of my Conscious Creations and my Life overall.

In my morning meditation today Spirit showed me Gluttony and Imbalance. It is time for a Psychic Diet, a Freedom Plan.

The Psychic Diet Freedom Plan is an amazing spiritual detox that helps you lose years of error- thinking and weighty idea that are holding you back in life. You can lose as much as 10 to 30 years of Psychic baggage in the first few sessions.

The Psychic Diet program works on the principles of seriously restricting damaging thoughts, words and ideas from your daily mental activity. As you do this, you may notice that cravings begin to creep up. You notice that you might start to long for that person or substance that was damaging to you. You might say, "Reverend Q! That is my mother, I cannot live without her." You might crave that ex that put you through the ringer.
You know what I am talking about!! I ain't crazy!

But now is not the time to be weak-minded. Understand that soon these craving will melt away when the Psychic Diet begins to really become a part of your regular life. Once this happens you will feel more energized physically, mentally and Spiritually.

You will notice more time, more money and more clarity. You will see that those "junk friends" and "fatty thoughts" were actually weighing you down so that it was difficult to run up the stairs in Consciousness to a higher echelon of thinking.

The Freedom Plan is Spiritually proven to go in an handle Low-Level Thinking in your life. It will give you the much needed boost toward your Ideal Mind, I call the the Christ-Mind. (Phil. 2:5)

The Psychic Diet will activate your Powers of Reason so that you can burn away those cancerous thoughts and free dammed up energy and power.

With the Psychic Diet Freedom Plan, you can increase your power level, improve your overall health and well being, make more money, have happier and healthier relationships and apply the knowledge & tools to truly achieve that sustained and permanent State of Consciousness I call

So go now and WORK OUT your own Salvation. (Phil. 2:12)

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
"It's All There!" - Consult the Oracle

PS. First-time seekers will receive a 20% Discount on Specialty Oracle Session (excluding Intro Sessions). Book yours today!

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