Tuesday, March 2, 2010

True FREEdom

"True FREEdom"

I was on the train this morning and I ran into an old friend. As we talked he just came out and said, "I love that you are free... How you don't let anyone else's ideas influence who you are."

I smiled.

Then I began to think... Why is this such a marvelous notion? Why can't we all just live in freedom? What is FREEdom?

Many people think that to live in FREEdom means to do anything and everything whenever one chooses. This is partly true. However, the caveat to that is one can choose to live according to certain agreements or conditions.

Although I live a FREE life, I choose to live in accordance with certain laws, principles and precepts. That ability to choose, in and of itself, denotes FREEdom.

I choose to live by certain laws of nature (eating, sleeping, elimination of waste, etc.). I could very well choose not to do these things. Now, every choice is CAUSATIVE. What ever you choose in life causes something to happen. If I choose not to eat... it causes body-death. You see?

My choice "to be or not to be" is the essence of my FREEdom.

Free - not cotrolled by obligation to the will of another

-dom - Domain, position or rank

So to walk in True FREEdom is to be in a position where you are not controlled by obligation to the will of another.

This then allows for choice to be in agreement with the will of another, say government, household, religious institution. One can be FREE and still be in agreement.

One can be FREE and still be in relationship.
One can be FREE and still live by the law.

But when another's will is contrary to my own will and I feel compelled or obligated to abide by it, that is when you enter into a state of bond-age. (A state of subjection to a force, power or influence.)

Example: As a same-gender loving man, I am FREE to love a person of the same gender. Any idea that suggests otherwise, if I was to feel obligated to go along with that idea, would automatically ursurp my God-given FREEdom (John 8:37) and immediately put me in bondage. I CHOOSE FREEDOM.

True FREEdom lies in the power of choice. So as you live life, choose wisely. Choose to live in a purposeful state of FREEdom.

Love and Light!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle

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