Monday, March 8, 2010

"Spiritual Transformation - Your Spirit Guide"

The earth is in the midst of a massive Spiritual Transformation. There is a global shift that is happening in the consciousness of Man and it is happening whether we see it or not.

Many people are walking around with their Third-Eye closed to the energy currents that are building and thrusting in different segments of society. As long as you continue to survive and walk around with eyes wide shut you are dooming yourself to be left in the wake of a fast moving ship.

You may have noticed it before. First the shift starts in writing, books, etc. Then you see more and more of The Change happening in entertainment, movies, cartoons, tv shows. Then their is a radical financial/political upheaval or change that gets people really thinking about, "What can we do now?"

Once the questions is asked the door is open for Spirit to move to and fro and CREATE ALL THINGS NEW!

This is such a TIME... NOW!

We are in a pivotal spiritually transformational period is Mankind's history and many people are LOST and do not know how to navigate through it. DARE I SAY... MOST!

The saving grace is that in these periods, there are always Spirit Guides that are available to help you move easier through the change.

I say it on my website. The economists, politicians, medico-moguls and bankers DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. If they did, the current state of society WORLD-WIDE would not be in the condition its in. The best answers are found in the Spirit Guide.

I believe that as you are reading this, nothing in the Universe is arbitrary. Nothing just happens. There is a reason that we have connected and that these words resonate with right now. As The Master Oracle, I am that Spirit Guide for your life.


As you hear the Oracle Speak and you are able to receive and make use of the advice, your life will be more workable, more free, more abundant and more prosperous.

2 Chronicles 20:20, 21 - "...put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed. And he consulted with the people...

After the people consulted with the Prophet (Oracle), the conflict was nullified and they were well blessed. In fact it goes on to say, "they found much among them, including goods, garments and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. And they were three days taking the spoil because there was so much." (2 Chron. 20:25)

It is time that you apply the Principles of Wisdom. By knowing what is happening you are able to rise above it. You cannot see the BIG PICTURE while stuck in the frame. By trusting in the Divine system and the Spirit Guide (Oracle), you are putting yourself in a place to walk away with MORE THAN YOU CAN CARRY!!! More Value! Get that... You become more valuable when you are guided in your growth.

Contact me. Consult the Master Oracle. Employ your Spirit Guide during this time of professional and political abandonment.

I am here for you!

It will take a moment to know exactly why you received this today.


Reverend Quenton J. Stroud
The Master Oracle
Consult the Oracle and Prosper

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