Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Whatcha Workin' Wit? Faith or Fear?

Whatcha Workin' Wit? Faith or Fear?

In my morning meditations, often I run up against a mental barrier that I have not quite handled. It is a jarring experience because often we think that we are operating at our highest level of ability and this happens.

The barrier was not as apparent as some other blocks that I've encountered along my MIND-WALKS. As I ran into it, it was like smashing into an invisible wall. I hit it, came to my senses and said... "WHAT IS THIS?"

I asked Spirit to help me understand what this was and where it came from. It seems to have been there for awhile. Spirit asked me a question, as Spirit always does. (Have you ever noticed that Spirit often asks more questions of you then freely extolling answers. Hmph...) Anyway...

Spirit asked, "Whatcha workin' wit? Faith or Fear?"

I did a double take. I had to wonder. I had to reassess. What is this?

I looked over this invisible wall. I touched it. I used all my perceptics to ascertain exactly what this is. I then closed my eyes and sensed the energy that this wall sprang from. IT WAS FEAR.

I had no idea that it was there. It was FEAR. Just sitting there quite and insidious as can be. It wasn't bothering anyone. It was "seeking to devour someone." It was just there, as a wall, a barrier to my forward progression.

All the notions and ideas I had conjured about fear, that it is a MONSTER that can come in mind and destroy ideas, ravage love, kills joy and devour souls. But this FEAR-WALL was something different. It was quiet and patient. It was there keeping me from my promise land. I had no idea fear could look like this.

So after answering Spirit by saying, "This is fear at work." Spirit said, "Tear down that wall." So I raised my consciousness a little higher. I thanked Spirit for the revelation of truth and I proceeded.

I stretched out my hands and I pushed against the wall with all my might. I punched it. I used all my abilities to try to destroy this stupid barrier. Then Spirit asked me, "Whatcha workin' wit? Faith or Fear?"

I had to stop. I realized that fear will never be destroyed by resistance but by Repentance. I realized I had to CHANGE THE WAY I WAS THINKING. I realized I had to shift my THOUGHTS and MY FEELINGS. I got that FAITH was the only destroyer of fear.

"Perfect love casteth out all fear."

So this time. I close my eyes. I put both hands on the wall and I gently began to LOVE IT. Yeah... I LOVED THE WALL. I loved that thing that I feared so much. I loved the person that the wall was attached to. I loved it all.

I then because to UNDER-STAND the nature of the thing. I began to see the TRUTH. I started to harmonize with it and it became CLEAR to me. I got the SUB-STANCE of the thing. That is all FAITH is... the SUB-STANCE or the UNDER-STANDING.

Once this happened... The wall became a brilliant light... almost blinding. Then it eroded away.

"Perfect Love casteth out all Fear."

Tear down that wall in your own consciousness that is keeping you from your ultimate expression.

Thank You Spirit!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle

Consult the Oracle - Book a Session!

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Spiritual Transformation - Your Spirit Guide"

The earth is in the midst of a massive Spiritual Transformation. There is a global shift that is happening in the consciousness of Man and it is happening whether we see it or not.

Many people are walking around with their Third-Eye closed to the energy currents that are building and thrusting in different segments of society. As long as you continue to survive and walk around with eyes wide shut you are dooming yourself to be left in the wake of a fast moving ship.

You may have noticed it before. First the shift starts in writing, books, etc. Then you see more and more of The Change happening in entertainment, movies, cartoons, tv shows. Then their is a radical financial/political upheaval or change that gets people really thinking about, "What can we do now?"

Once the questions is asked the door is open for Spirit to move to and fro and CREATE ALL THINGS NEW!

This is such a TIME... NOW!

We are in a pivotal spiritually transformational period is Mankind's history and many people are LOST and do not know how to navigate through it. DARE I SAY... MOST!

The saving grace is that in these periods, there are always Spirit Guides that are available to help you move easier through the change.

I say it on my website. The economists, politicians, medico-moguls and bankers DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS. If they did, the current state of society WORLD-WIDE would not be in the condition its in. The best answers are found in the Spirit Guide.

I believe that as you are reading this, nothing in the Universe is arbitrary. Nothing just happens. There is a reason that we have connected and that these words resonate with right now. As The Master Oracle, I am that Spirit Guide for your life.


As you hear the Oracle Speak and you are able to receive and make use of the advice, your life will be more workable, more free, more abundant and more prosperous.

2 Chronicles 20:20, 21 - "...put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed. And he consulted with the people...

After the people consulted with the Prophet (Oracle), the conflict was nullified and they were well blessed. In fact it goes on to say, "they found much among them, including goods, garments and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. And they were three days taking the spoil because there was so much." (2 Chron. 20:25)

It is time that you apply the Principles of Wisdom. By knowing what is happening you are able to rise above it. You cannot see the BIG PICTURE while stuck in the frame. By trusting in the Divine system and the Spirit Guide (Oracle), you are putting yourself in a place to walk away with MORE THAN YOU CAN CARRY!!! More Value! Get that... You become more valuable when you are guided in your growth.

Contact me. Consult the Master Oracle. Employ your Spirit Guide during this time of professional and political abandonment.

I am here for you!

It will take a moment to know exactly why you received this today.


Reverend Quenton J. Stroud
The Master Oracle
Consult the Oracle and Prosper

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

True FREEdom

"True FREEdom"

I was on the train this morning and I ran into an old friend. As we talked he just came out and said, "I love that you are free... How you don't let anyone else's ideas influence who you are."

I smiled.

Then I began to think... Why is this such a marvelous notion? Why can't we all just live in freedom? What is FREEdom?

Many people think that to live in FREEdom means to do anything and everything whenever one chooses. This is partly true. However, the caveat to that is one can choose to live according to certain agreements or conditions.

Although I live a FREE life, I choose to live in accordance with certain laws, principles and precepts. That ability to choose, in and of itself, denotes FREEdom.

I choose to live by certain laws of nature (eating, sleeping, elimination of waste, etc.). I could very well choose not to do these things. Now, every choice is CAUSATIVE. What ever you choose in life causes something to happen. If I choose not to eat... it causes body-death. You see?

My choice "to be or not to be" is the essence of my FREEdom.

Free - not cotrolled by obligation to the will of another

-dom - Domain, position or rank

So to walk in True FREEdom is to be in a position where you are not controlled by obligation to the will of another.

This then allows for choice to be in agreement with the will of another, say government, household, religious institution. One can be FREE and still be in agreement.

One can be FREE and still be in relationship.
One can be FREE and still live by the law.

But when another's will is contrary to my own will and I feel compelled or obligated to abide by it, that is when you enter into a state of bond-age. (A state of subjection to a force, power or influence.)

Example: As a same-gender loving man, I am FREE to love a person of the same gender. Any idea that suggests otherwise, if I was to feel obligated to go along with that idea, would automatically ursurp my God-given FREEdom (John 8:37) and immediately put me in bondage. I CHOOSE FREEDOM.

True FREEdom lies in the power of choice. So as you live life, choose wisely. Choose to live in a purposeful state of FREEdom.

Love and Light!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle