Reverend Q!, Master Oracle and Spiritual Teacher shares Insights, Meditations, Readings and Higher Wisdom that is revealed through Intuitive abilities. Go to
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Are You Out of Order?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Something Must Change
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I Ain't Lying... I'm Prophesying!
Then start speaking on it. When you start SPEAKING BIG, now that is where the rubber meets the road. Cause then, you ain't lying... You're prophesying.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
"Now That's The Stuff"
Understanding the Power of Faith in Your Everyday Life
It has become increasingly clear to me that “all things work together for the good of those who love…” And even as I go through life, Spirit is making it more clear to me that in order to raise the bar in our lives we must truly utilize our greatest tool for manifestation…. FAITH!
My daily meditations allow me to center myself on the Presence of God and KNOW that all is well.
Remember the text informs us that “Now faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1)
Faith is the basic, core element or building block for all creation on the material plane. As we have and hold a desire, we start the cosmic engine of creation moving. Not this engine can remain idle or it can be revved up.
The desires or repulsive thoughts we hold in consciousness are accelerated by our faith. Energy, thought at its basic level is neutral. It is neither positive or negative. So when we think a thought, our faith in the real-ness of that thing cranks it, revs it up and accelerates it towards us as our reality.
Faith is not just belief, it is not wishful thinking. Faith is actually the essential, ethereal component of all creation. It is only by faith that anyone was able to accomplish anything, anywhere.
It’s all connected.
So know this… faith is the key to activating the spiritual machinery of manifestation. If you want an increased lifestyle, total health, more money, a lover, better family ties, etc. Jesus said it best, “YOUR FAITH MAKES YOU WELL.”
So don’t only run after and work hard for THINGS… The more you desire, the more you activate your faith, the more STUFF you can create.
Peace and Blessings,
Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Consult the Oracle – Change Your Life
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Whatcha Workin' Wit? Faith or Fear?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
True FREEdom
I was on the train this morning and I ran into an old friend. As we talked he just came out and said, "I love that you are free... How you don't let anyone else's ideas influence who you are."
I smiled.
Then I began to think... Why is this such a marvelous notion? Why can't we all just live in freedom? What is FREEdom?
Many people think that to live in FREEdom means to do anything and everything whenever one chooses. This is partly true. However, the caveat to that is one can choose to live according to certain agreements or conditions.
Although I live a FREE life, I choose to live in accordance with certain laws, principles and precepts. That ability to choose, in and of itself, denotes FREEdom.
I choose to live by certain laws of nature (eating, sleeping, elimination of waste, etc.). I could very well choose not to do these things. Now, every choice is CAUSATIVE. What ever you choose in life causes something to happen. If I choose not to eat... it causes body-death. You see?
My choice "to be or not to be" is the essence of my FREEdom.
Free - not cotrolled by obligation to the will of another
-dom - Domain, position or rank
So to walk in True FREEdom is to be in a position where you are not controlled by obligation to the will of another.
This then allows for choice to be in agreement with the will of another, say government, household, religious institution. One can be FREE and still be in agreement.
One can be FREE and still be in relationship.
One can be FREE and still live by the law.
But when another's will is contrary to my own will and I feel compelled or obligated to abide by it, that is when you enter into a state of bond-age. (A state of subjection to a force, power or influence.)
Example: As a same-gender loving man, I am FREE to love a person of the same gender. Any idea that suggests otherwise, if I was to feel obligated to go along with that idea, would automatically ursurp my God-given FREEdom (John 8:37) and immediately put me in bondage. I CHOOSE FREEDOM.
True FREEdom lies in the power of choice. So as you live life, choose wisely. Choose to live in a purposeful state of FREEdom.
Love and Light!
Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Psychic Diet Freedom Plan
"The Psychic Diet Freedom Plan"
The Psychic Diet program works on the principles of seriously restricting damaging thoughts, words and ideas from your daily mental activity. As you do this, you may notice that cravings begin to creep up. You notice that you might start to long for that person or substance that was damaging to you. You might say, "Reverend Q! That is my mother, I cannot live without her." You might crave that ex that put you through the ringer. You know what I am talking about!! I ain't crazy!
But now is not the time to be weak-minded. Understand that soon these craving will melt away when the Psychic Diet begins to really become a part of your regular life. Once this happens you will feel more energized physically, mentally and Spiritually.
You will notice more time, more money and more clarity. You will see that those "junk friends" and "fatty thoughts" were actually weighing you down so that it was difficult to run up the stairs in Consciousness to a higher echelon of thinking.
The Freedom Plan is Spiritually proven to go in an handle Low-Level Thinking in your life. It will give you the much needed boost toward your Ideal Mind, I call the the Christ-Mind. (Phil. 2:5)
The Psychic Diet will activate your Powers of Reason so that you can burn away those cancerous thoughts and free dammed up energy and power.
With the Psychic Diet Freedom Plan, you can increase your power level, improve your overall health and well being, make more money, have happier and healthier relationships and apply the knowledge & tools to truly achieve that sustained and permanent State of Consciousness I call HEAVEN!
So go now and WORK OUT your own Salvation. (Phil. 2:12)
Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
"It's All There!" - Consult the Oracle
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Very, Very Extra-Ordinary!
When I was young I used to get a lot of flack and jeers from my classmates. I was dubbed the "weirdo, freak-a-zoid, odd, strange, different, even... Skeletor." When I think back to what that did to me, I began to see dramatic impact it made in my life. I would like to say "Thank You" to all of my antagonists because... LOOK AT ME NOW!!!
Understand, that those who judge and condemn are dealing with much greater Spiritual trauma and issues than they know or care to look into. One must be pretty low on the proverbial totem pole to look at people and life so cynically, especially as a child.
It wasn't until I was embraced by the "odd crowd" that I realized what was really happening. I came to know that anyone with power, the masses must attempt to crucify. From Jesus to Martin Luther King, people have always feared power that they did not understand or they could not wield.
I came by to tell you today, that YOU ARE EXTRA-ORDINARY!!
You are a big Being. Huge, in fact. You are able to do and accomplish things that the world has not yet seen the likes of. "You are more than a conquerer." And "greater works shall ye do."
BUT!!!! Yes, there is a but!
You must not let the na-sayers and the ankle biters hinder your Spiritual Development.
This is important: No matter what someone says or does, do everything in your power to ONLY stand in your own truth. "A man will decree a thing and it will be established for him." You have the power to control your destiny, your Life. But one can submit that authority over to someone else.
Who have you given your authority over too?
Who controls your thoughts or way of thinking?
Who do you consider most often in making decisions?
Who do you fear to offend or hurt by doing something that you know is right for you?
Who has your power?
As the Master Oracle, it is very clear to me that many people have an energy dampening field that is draining their energy. It is keeping them from realizing their full potential. Your next power-level is tied up in those area of your life you fear to integrate into your Self-Identity. Your next spiritual boost is locked up by that person/thing that has more authority in your life than you do. Be it momma, daddy, preacher, drugs, alcohol, friends, lovers or God. You have authority and dominion. USE IT! "Have I not told you that ye are gods..." ACT LIKE IT!
Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
"It's All About You"
FREE YOURSELF from the prisons in your mind
Book your Session with Reverend Q!
PS. All first-time Seekers get 20% discount on Speciality Oracle Sessions (excluding Intro Session). Book Yours Today!
Friday, February 19, 2010
6 Signs of Psychic Damage
6 Signs of Psychic Damage
I was speaking with a friend last night and after hearing his story about his relationship with his mother, I knew that he was dealing with a lot of Psychic Damage.
Often, as an Oracle, I encounter a lot of people who are living with ordying from Psychic Damage. Just as the body can be damaged by impact or injury from material objects, so too can a Being be damaged and suppressed from impact and implants of psychic energy. The Law of Cause and Effect works on all points.
When you come into contact with overly aggressive, destructive, controlling, manipulative or even overly sympathetic (hmmm) energy, the being can and often will be damaged. The energy is most damaging when your survival and well-being is influenced. Some extremely impactful areas that create much psychic damage are incidents that contain parents, lovers, close friends, churches/religious institutions, etc. This is true because we so closely connect our survival, happiness and even our "soul salvation" to these relationships that we allow ourselves to be grossly and irrationally influenced by them.
Think of a time when a damaging act by a lover caused you to do something irrational like not eating or over eating. Perhaps the treatment from mom caused you to be "spoiled"? What about the words from dad? Perhaps Pastor said or did somethings that were covertly damaging. Either way, these moments of pain and implants cause Psychic Trauma.
6 Signs of Psychic Damage
- A low level of Patience or Tolerance
- A low level of Compassion or Being Judgemental
- HELLISH WORDS - "I hate that!" "I can't stand..." Insults, Criticizims, Argumentative to injury, Violent and Damning words/thoughts
- Cannot actively use FREE IMAGINATION - This is a big. "With faith like a child will you enter into the kingdom of heaven"; Cannot realize your dreams or purpose.
- FEAR FACTORS - Not being able to freely offer Trust; People are a threat until they prove otherwise
- ISLAND MENTALITY - "I don't need you." "I can do bad all by myself." "I don't give a *&%!"
The effects of Psychic Damage are potent and insideous. Sometimes it creeps up on you. You begin to feel like a "different person." Depression is Psychic Energy turned against the Self. It is when you is not using your energy to produce but to abuse the Self.
"You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears." Look at your life... Are you happy? Are you more joyful or sorrowful? Are you pleased or content with your life?
An Intuitive Guide is able to help you eliminate the scar tissue in consciousness. Book an Oracle Session so that we can go in, locate and handle those damaged areas in your life. Imagine being able to move through life freely and without the hinderance of PAST PAIN, NEGATIVE SELF-TALK and IMPLANTS.
--Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle