Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prayer/Centering Call - Sunday, July 31st

Thank you for tapping into the Morning Prayer/Centering Calls - Each morning @ 6:10am -
209-647-1000 - PIN: 575686#

Here is the audio for the prayer call for Sunday July, 31st.

Centering Message: "Change is Good!"

Homework for Today: Activate the Word in your life! 
Sanskrit - Mantra means "Word of Power" - Chant Your Mantra Today!

Blessed Be!

Please go to the website and LISTEN TO SERMONS & LECTURES

Blessed Be!

Reverend Q!
Founder/Director of The EnLightenment Assembly
240-300-4450 - CALL ME!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

e-Book Release - CoachMeQ!


I am excited to inform you that as a client of, you are the first to receive my new e-Book release entitled:

"Spiritually Speaking: Uncovering the Spiritual Solutions Behind Every Success"

Please read it and apply it!



I want to make sure that you know the protocols for Coaching Sessions!

1.) You call me at your scheduled appointment time! - If you are not sure about your appointment time, please email me. If you cannot call at your scheduled time, please inform me at least an hour before. (Text, email or phone calls are acceptable).

2.) You are committing to a weekly Session! - My philosophy is that you take a shower everyday to cleanse your body, yet I am asking you commit yourself to once a week to work on your mind and Spirit during this process. Please honor my time and yours by being consistent and prepared for your Sessions! 

3.) Your Kryptonite! - You are AMAZING! Trust me... I KNOW! At the same time, we all have our own personal brand of kryptonite. For some it is Procrastination, others Inconsistency, still other contend with Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs about what they cannot do. I believe that you can overcome your personal weaknesses and move into SUPER-DOM! That is what this process is all about. 

Look, I am here for You! I push and push because I would suck as a Spiritual Life Coach if I didn't. I think you love me for that... right?

I know that you feel that all the work we do is valuable. But I need you to show me! 



I love you! And there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Coach Q!
The Master's Coach!
240-300-4450 - CALL ME!

PS. Tell me what you think about the e-Book! I appreciate you kind feedback!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hey... I Never Ever Apologize

Peace Within,

You know, many people have this little voice that sometimes tells them to regrets the bad choices.

There is this rumbling that says, "Damn, I messed up!"

There is an idea that shoots through your mind every now and then that suggests you made a mistake!


Those things that you thought were mistakes were really misperceived opportunities. 

That voice that tells you - you failed. Is really that EGO-self that only knows about God, but doesn't really KNOW GOD!

It is that part of you that considers itself to be separate and struggling. It is that part that causes problems to make itself seem more real.

It has been called by many names: Ego, Reactive Mind, Error Consciousness, Carnal Mind, Sin Nature, Devil.

It has taken on a life of its own. 

But if you can just get it in your mind that it is all a TRICK. It is your own degenerated consciousness seeking to become more valid by causing you troubles and hardships. It is really trying to get you to become distracted from your LIFE!

Never forget - YOU AND GOD ARE ONE!
Never forget - "YE ARE GODS!" (Ps. 82:6, John 10:34)

And Never Ever Apologize for being Perfect! Remember at the core, essence of Who You Really Are, there is no inequity!

If you have a hard time reading, believing and applying this teaching to your life... CALL ME IMMEDIATELY! We don't have time to waste!

Look, I love you and their ain't nothing you can do about it!

Peace and Blessings,

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
240-317-9808 - Direct Phone Number!

PS. If you have not had a reading in a while, how about this coming week? 
It is a good time for some YOU TIME! 
Book a session with the Master Oracle!

An Oracle Session Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master Oracle

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Darkness - Light

Peace Within, 

There is a Buddhist teaching that states that even if a cave has been dark for ten thousand years, once you begin to chant the Lotus Sutra (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) it is like lighting a lantern and the darkness must flee instantly. 

This imagery has really stood out for me. 

Even in my daily practice, I think of all the dark places (unknown regions) within my own consciousness that I wish to send Love and Light to and I realize that even as I think on it, the Light is there. 

I was doing a waking meditation the other morning and Spirit told me to speak the words, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" This brought about a great surge of creative power and imagination that allowed me to have a very productive day.

I say to you, think about those areas of your life where you wish to send the Light! Think on those aspects of your consciousness that actively need illumination and enLightenment. It will totally serve you acquaint yourself with yourself in this manner. Remember, the whole reason we are here is because we wish to seek enLightenment and ultimately Self-Mastery. Whether you call it Christ-Consciousness, Buddhahood or Ascendency, we are all on the path of righteousness and seeking greater experiences while on this path.

So if I can do nothing in this message but urge you to continue walking the path, continue in your process of expansion, then I have done my job. 

Those who are connected in this way, to this teaching, with The Master Oracle, are lightyears ahead of many who do not Know Who They Are becoming! This is what is means to be Aware, Conscious, to experience Meta-Cognition, to be enLightened. This is how it starts. So keep on going. Keep tapping in. Keep supporting Truth, Love and Light wherever you may find it. 

And my your life never be the same ever again!


Be The Light, 

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle

Contact me for an Oracle Reading! -

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Psychic Demand... I personally use this technique!

"I Demand $25,000.00!"

"I Demand Excellent Health!"

"I Demand a Loving Marriage!"

Psychic Demand - The Long Lost Method for Getting What You Want -- Guaranteed to Always Work! 

Get the technique to demand of the Money you want in your life!

Click Here!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle/Spiritual Life Coach

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why Do You Deny Yourself?

As a Spiritual Being, your only real job is to BE. That is all there is for you to DO. 

You will notice your life started to make a dramatic turn for the worst when you decided 
to STOP being and doing you. When you restrained yourself, when you denied yourself the right to 
be and do as you pleased. 

Somewhere down the line, mankind picked up this idea that restraint is good sometimes.

I tell you this, Man's only sin is the decision to withhold himself from doing what he wished to do. 

Some would say that I am promoting anarchy and loose conduct, but the trick is to have yourself 
in a very high ethical band where you would never wish to do anything that would harm yourself 
or others. Scripture says, "Be ye Perfect as I AM perfect." The I AM that you are is perfection. So 
start being Who You Really Are.

You may notice that we restrain criminals and children because it is a huge punishment for doing 
something they are not supposed to do. 

The only reason why a law abiding, sane adult would ever restrain himself is because he feels that he 
has broken some cosmic laws. This is the dangerous-ness of think yourself as a sinner, it causes you 
to question every decision, every action, it makes you STOP yourself. 

This is the Ultimate Trick in the hearts and minds of man! Release that idea right now!

Recognize that you are a PERFECT SPIRITUAL BEING and you deserve to be free to express 
Who You Really Are.

To restrain yourself is inhumane, cruel and unusual punishment.

Go now and live free! Make, master, produce and accomplish all that you wish to do in your heart.

I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Peace and Blessings,

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle/Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call me!


Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Missing First Principle of Success and Happiness

Peace Within,

I was listening to this my latest LIVE audio teaching, The Missing First Principle of Success and Happiness! and thought 
that if you missed it, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY HEAR IT!
I was blessed so much by this teaching!

I know you will be too!

After you download this audio teaching and listen to it, send my your thoughts!

Imagine what your life would be like when you know the Missing Principles!

Talk to you soon!

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
240-317-9808 - Call Me!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

Friday, July 8, 2011

The 6-Minute Fix

Peace Within,

It has been brought to my attention, in Spirit, that most people who come to an Oracle/Seer 
come to get a quick fix!

Most of the people in this conditional world of phenomenon really only want - just enough - to make it 
til tomorrow!

As your Spiritual Life Coach, I need you to help me help you! 

1.) What is it that you are looking for?

2.) What are you trying to accomplish in your life?

3.) How do you wish to feel about yourself and your circumstances?

After answering these questions, as this last one:


If the I AM is too much for you too handle, make it known. 

"Reverend Q! I just need a little bottle of happiness... Nothing too LIFE-CHANGING... just some crumbs will do."

If this is true... fine. But if not, TELL ME KNOW! I have soo much that I wish to tell you, but you have to ASK and YOU SHALL RECEIVE!

I love you... and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Peace and Blessings!

Reverend Q! 
The Master Oracle/Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call Me Anytime!

Consult the Oracle and Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master Oracle

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Your Body and Your Money

I don't know how to explain it...

But what I have come to understand is that when you start 
paying more attention (positive attention) to your body, 
through eating healthy meals, exercise and proper rest 
you invariably make more money!

It is weird I know... 

But something happens in your thinking that increases your 
confidence, your self-esteem and your clarity! All these qualities 
equal a great sense of accomplishment and a close idea of Perfection!

Imagine - The Perfect Body, The Perfect Bank Account - The Perfect Business/Career.

Quite honestly I am asking if you can imagine the PERFECT LIFE for yourself and your family!

Ok... Good... Now do something about it!

Enroll below!

The CoachMeQ Life Mastery Program - (For Your Life, Money and Relationships)

Affiliate Site: Herban Living Unlimited - G.L.O.W. Body Makeover System (For Your Body and Health)

This really is a Total Package to higher living!

Call me with any questions!

Blessed Be!

Reverend Q!
The Spiritual Life Coach/Master Oracle
240-317-9808 - Call Me Anytime!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach