There is a Buddhist teaching that states that even if a cave has been dark for ten thousand years, once you begin to chant the Lotus Sutra (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) it is like lighting a lantern and the darkness must flee instantly.
This imagery has really stood out for me.
Even in my daily practice, I think of all the dark places (unknown regions) within my own consciousness that I wish to send Love and Light to and I realize that even as I think on it, the Light is there.
I was doing a waking meditation the other morning and Spirit told me to speak the words, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" This brought about a great surge of creative power and imagination that allowed me to have a very productive day.
I say to you, think about those areas of your life where you wish to send the Light! Think on those aspects of your consciousness that actively need illumination and enLightenment. It will totally serve you acquaint yourself with yourself in this manner. Remember, the whole reason we are here is because we wish to seek enLightenment and ultimately Self-Mastery. Whether you call it Christ-Consciousness, Buddhahood or Ascendency, we are all on the path of righteousness and seeking greater experiences while on this path.
So if I can do nothing in this message but urge you to continue walking the path, continue in your process of expansion, then I have done my job.
Those who are connected in this way, to this teaching, with The Master Oracle, are lightyears ahead of many who do not Know Who They Are becoming! This is what is means to be Aware, Conscious, to experience Meta-Cognition, to be enLightened. This is how it starts. So keep on going. Keep tapping in. Keep supporting Truth, Love and Light wherever you may find it.
And my your life never be the same ever again!
Be The Light,
Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle
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