Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why Do You Deny Yourself?

As a Spiritual Being, your only real job is to BE. That is all there is for you to DO. 

You will notice your life started to make a dramatic turn for the worst when you decided 
to STOP being and doing you. When you restrained yourself, when you denied yourself the right to 
be and do as you pleased. 

Somewhere down the line, mankind picked up this idea that restraint is good sometimes.

I tell you this, Man's only sin is the decision to withhold himself from doing what he wished to do. 

Some would say that I am promoting anarchy and loose conduct, but the trick is to have yourself 
in a very high ethical band where you would never wish to do anything that would harm yourself 
or others. Scripture says, "Be ye Perfect as I AM perfect." The I AM that you are is perfection. So 
start being Who You Really Are.

You may notice that we restrain criminals and children because it is a huge punishment for doing 
something they are not supposed to do. 

The only reason why a law abiding, sane adult would ever restrain himself is because he feels that he 
has broken some cosmic laws. This is the dangerous-ness of think yourself as a sinner, it causes you 
to question every decision, every action, it makes you STOP yourself. 

This is the Ultimate Trick in the hearts and minds of man! Release that idea right now!

Recognize that you are a PERFECT SPIRITUAL BEING and you deserve to be free to express 
Who You Really Are.

To restrain yourself is inhumane, cruel and unusual punishment.

Go now and live free! Make, master, produce and accomplish all that you wish to do in your heart.

I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Peace and Blessings,

Reverend Q!
The Master Oracle/Spiritual Life Coach
240-317-9808 - Call me!


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