Sunday, July 31, 2011

e-Book Release - CoachMeQ!


I am excited to inform you that as a client of, you are the first to receive my new e-Book release entitled:

"Spiritually Speaking: Uncovering the Spiritual Solutions Behind Every Success"

Please read it and apply it!



I want to make sure that you know the protocols for Coaching Sessions!

1.) You call me at your scheduled appointment time! - If you are not sure about your appointment time, please email me. If you cannot call at your scheduled time, please inform me at least an hour before. (Text, email or phone calls are acceptable).

2.) You are committing to a weekly Session! - My philosophy is that you take a shower everyday to cleanse your body, yet I am asking you commit yourself to once a week to work on your mind and Spirit during this process. Please honor my time and yours by being consistent and prepared for your Sessions! 

3.) Your Kryptonite! - You are AMAZING! Trust me... I KNOW! At the same time, we all have our own personal brand of kryptonite. For some it is Procrastination, others Inconsistency, still other contend with Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs about what they cannot do. I believe that you can overcome your personal weaknesses and move into SUPER-DOM! That is what this process is all about. 

Look, I am here for You! I push and push because I would suck as a Spiritual Life Coach if I didn't. I think you love me for that... right?

I know that you feel that all the work we do is valuable. But I need you to show me! 



I love you! And there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Coach Q!
The Master's Coach!
240-300-4450 - CALL ME!

PS. Tell me what you think about the e-Book! I appreciate you kind feedback!

Spiritual Life Coaching Will Change Your Life!
Spiritual Advice from The Master's Coach

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